Designs Revealed: AHC's 4th West #OaklandSuperHeroes Mural Project

Finalized design concepts from Attitudinal Healing Connection's next Oakland SuperHeroes Mural Project (OSH) are ready to be revealed.  The design process included more than a years worth of collaboration between student artists at Hoover Elementary and AHC’s Lead Mural Artist Lindsey Milliken. 

The design was created in collaboration with student artists at Hoover Elementary and Lead Artist Lindsey Milliken. The mural will be painted in the West Oakland's Hoover Corridor under the I-580 underpass, directly across from AHC's 3rd Oakland Superheroes Mural Project. Production is slated to begin March 2017. 

AHC Executive Director Amana Harris, Lead Muralist Lindsey Milliken, and Project Manager Justin Metoyer Mullon reviewing preliminary drafts of the #4th OSH Mural design with the Hoover Elementary Student Body.

AHC Executive Director Amana Harris, Lead Muralist Lindsey Milliken, and Project Manager Justin Metoyer Mullon reviewing preliminary drafts of the #4th OSH Mural design with the Hoover Elementary Student Body.

The #OaklandSuperHeroes Mural Project is West Oakland's first ever large-scale mural and beautification project, and its goal is to cultivate, educate and engage youth in community issues and solutions through the power of public art. OSH was born out of AHC’s ArtEsteem Self As Super Hero curriculum, which has been taught in Bay Area schools for well over 10 years. The curriculum asks students to identify problems in their community, and to reimagine themselves as super heroes with powers to solve them, which are brought to life through the creation of stories and life-sized portraits.

The stories and portraits are then incorporated into the Oakland SuperHeroes Mural Project.

The Super Heroes in the 4th OSH Mural Project created by ArtEsteem Students at Hoover Elementary include:

  • Golden Boy, who uses his magical shield to fight crime, rehabilitate criminals and protect the city from earthquakes and natural disasters.
  • The Lava Twins, with lava vision that stops criminals and turns gun into stone
  • D-Bow Jalapeno, who uses magical cheese to transform key issues like gun violence, stealing and fighting.
  • And Fantastic Girl, who has the power of water to stop floods and fires, end drought, and clean the community.

Through this mural project, AHC is able to provide opportunities for collaboration and to become key stakeholders in creating peace and beauty in the community, by working with local artists, youth and area residents to empower and revitalize an area that has been deprived of the city's resources, becoming a hotbed for crime, violence, tagging and blight. It is AHC's goal to engage community participation in the beautification process of public spaces, which will create a stronger investment from Oakland residents to keep the city safe for all.

AHC Executive Director Amana Harris with the leaders of CALTRANS

AHC Executive Director Amana Harris with the leaders of CALTRANS

Currently, OSH is in the final stages of the approval process with the City of Oakland and CALTRANS. Production is expected to start in March 2017, following a fundraising campaign with a goal to reach $75,000. Funds from the campaign will support an estimated 30 jobs for muralists, youth artists and on-site security, pay for insurance and permits, provide paint and other necessary supplies to complete the mural, and ensure on-going maintenance to keep the surrounding area free from trash and litter.

Stay tuned and make sure to follow Oakland SuperHeroes Mural Project for updates.