WOLLP After School Program serves high school Youth over the course of three consecutive 10 week sessions. The program is a collaboration between AHC, City Slicker Farms and the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project.
Each Week students build leadership skills, connect with civic leaders, experience Visual Art, Urban Agriculture and Environmental Science.
The program is completing its first 10 week session culminating with a financial literacy training as students will be receiving the first stipend for their civic engagement as leaders in WOLLP.
During this session students began learning about traditional Ohlone Culture, Oakland’s local history, local ecology and environmental science activities including soil quality testing. Students also engaged in traditional and contemporary art through tule technology, ceramics, plaster casting and paint focusing primarily on 3 dimensional forms. Upcoming lessons will include Air Quality monitoring, invistigating the connictions between quality of life concerns and the watershed, wind technology, two dimensional art techniques and Advocacy in art.